Climate Connect Aotearoa

World-renowned futurist Sohail Inayatullah joins Pam Ford, Director of Economic Development at Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, for a discussion on shifting mindsets and fostering visionary thinking through futures and foresight methodologies. They explore how these approaches can be used to instil long-term thinking within organisations and governments, and how futures thinking can support better decision-making and long-term planning, particularly in a time of ongoing disruption. 

 Professor Sohail Inayatullah 

Professor Sohail Inayatullah was named the all-time best futurist by the Shaping Tomorrow network in 2010. He delivers keynote speeches and conducts strategic foresight workshops for global clients on a weekly basis. As the co-creator of the online futures platform Metafuture, Sohail also serves as the virtual futurist-in-residence for the Department of Culture and Tourism, Government of Abu Dhabi. 

His current roles include Professor at the Graduate Institute of Futures Studies, Tamkang University, and Associate at the Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne. He has previously held Adjunct Professor positions at the Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism at Macquarie University (2011-2014) and at the University of the Sunshine Coast (2001-2020). He was also the inaugural UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies (2016-2020). 

 Sohail works with a diverse range of clients from various industries worldwide. 

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