Built Environment Challenge
We’re exploring opportunities to support a low-carbon, resilient built environment that promotes healthy, low-impact lifestyles. Contact us with your challenge ideas!
Creating low-carbon, climate-resilient places for Tāmaki Makaurau
The built environment is one of eight priorities outlined in Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan.
Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland is set for major changes over the next 30 years. By 2050, our nation’s population will have increased by an estimated 1.7 million people to 6.8 million, 92 per cent of whom are forecast to be based in urban centres. By 2035 Auckland’s population will likely exceed two million.
As laid out in the draft Future Development Strategy, the decisions we make now will have far-reaching impacts. We need to focus on a built environment that makes the most of opportunities for nature regeneration and connectivity, addresses our emissions targets, and grows our resilience to ongoing shocks and stresses. At the same time, we need thriving communities where people can feel connected and be proud of their places and spaces.

Emerging Challenge areas
We’ve been speaking with many stakeholders across our built environment. Some common themes are emerging which will inform our challenge development:
Urban green and blue spaces – equitable access to green and blue spaces and creating great places to connect can benefit our health, biodiversity and economy, as well as reducing emissions and building resilience.
Retrofitting for emissions reduction and resilience – there is a lot of great work under way looking at the future of our region, considering how and where it grows and develops. For the most part, however, much of our existing built environment lacks resilience and does not enable healthy lifestyles. Retrofitting needs to accelerate and scale up to deliver our climate goals.
Connecting people to decision-making – Enabling people to take part in decisions that affect them has not always been successful. Providing better communication and connection to our environment through technology or other means can support improved and informed decision-making.

We'd love to hear from you
Let us know what you see as the key challenges in this sector.