Climate Connect Aotearoa recently joined forces with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) and DETA Consulting to host a free event focusing on decarbonisation strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The aim was to offer actionable insights and practical support for businesses transitioning towards low-carbon energy usage.

The ‘Decarbonising SME Operations’ event served as a follow-up to research commissioned last year by Climate Connect Aotearoa, which explored the barriers and opportunities for Auckland SMEs in process heat decarbonisation.
The event saw participation from businesses and agencies from industries such as manufacturing, food and beverage, commercial laundering, industrial waste, carpets and textiles, and heavy industries, indicating a widespread interest in reducing reliance on fossil fuels in industrial processes.
We were fortunate to have Ben Pitt from Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority (EECA), who shared the business benefits of decarbonisation and the support EECA provides, and Jonathan Pooch from Deta Consulting, who outlined what a decarbonisation roadmap entails and how to approach it.
The presentations also covered a range of topics essential for any business considering moving away from fossil fuels in their operations, including:
- Strategies for improving energy efficiency within operations.
- Methods to transition to low-carbon energy solutions.
- Exploration of funding options.
- Practical solutions and next steps for businesses ready to make the change.
For those unable to attend but interested in beginning their decarbonisation journey, the presentations from the event are accessible here. For further guidance, feel free to reach out to Ben and Jonathan - their details are provided on page 51 of the presentation.